Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Beginnings

What's your New Year's resolution?  #2016 #selfie
A new year is a time for looking ahead and making some changes.  In school, there is no exception from this practice!

After two weeks of rest (?) and excitement, Monday is still a Monday.  Some students were late, many were groggy and most were excited to see their friends.  Some things don't change when the calendar does!  Still, we persevered and began hitting our stride by Tuesday.

The students were encouraged to consider something they would like to learn and something they'd like to do in the early months of 2016.  These "resolutions" ranged from becoming a baker to learning a language and were as varied and unique as the students themselves.  I look forward to seeing if the students stick to their goals.  #GoForIt!

There was no easing in to the first week of the new year!  

 On Wednesday we had a field trip!  We continued with RBC Learn to Skate program at the former Ice Park on Central and Grand Marais.  Under the direction of some Brennan Leadership students, 6B was treated to a couple activities as a warm up and one hour on the ice.  It is amazing to see the improvement after only two sessions.  Certainly some are developing a passion for skating!

Getting our ice legs

Kayla, Tru and Hailey "chill" on ice
On Friday, we joined together with our sister class at St Jules (6V) for mass and pasta lunch.  Both schools came together for the second time.  We are grateful for all the effort behind the scenes to pull off the logistics of some 500 students being able to come together and share a meal!

Rex making some new friends during a lunch of pasta and juice

If this first week is any indication of what 2016 has to offer then I'm sure we're in for an interesting, eventful, faith-filled and educational experience!


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