6B enjoying some "Cheese Ball"
With three weeks behind us, the grade sixes of MissBrooksHasClass have to consider themselves blessed thus far.
You're not in the new school! How could you possibly consider yourselves "blessed"?
While the staff and students and parents and neighbours of St Teresa of Calcutta continue to await the GRAND opening of our new building, we remain housed in the former St Bernard building with former St Jules students. This "house" is full up! Which includes our gym which is currently home to 3 classes with another on the stage.
Exactly! So your kids haven't had gym for three weeks! {SCOFF: "Blessed" she says!}
Hold on ...
Blessing #1: In the last years of St Bernard we didn't have any neighbours in our Gr 6 wing. It could get lonely down that hall. Now, we aren't the only ones responsible for the volume!
Blessing #2: #nogymnoproblem
On the first day, as the kiddies were heading home, I reminded them to pray every night for NO RAIN as we now had to get used to an "open air" concept gym until we move into the new building. Who says God doesn't answer prayers?
While we may have had some rain, we have yet to be rained out of gym class which is first period in the morning...EVERY morning (except Wed when we walk to Mass).
Sept 6: "Caterpillar Challenges"
Sept 7: "Throw Up"
Sept 8: "Bench Ball"
Sept 11: "Cheese Movers"
Sept 13: "Swamp Ball"
Sept 21: "Long Ball" renamed "Cheese Ball" (by Cora) as it seems to be a mix of Cheese Movers and Kickball
Maybe you're thinking, "LIAR! See how she skipped days!" but, those are simply days I left my phone in the classroom!
So far, we have not repeated an activity. Our focus the first two week was cooperative games. Since the school soccer season is upon us, we're building on cooperation and incorporating some soccer skills in our activities.
With the help of GOOGLE, I found mrgym.com and physedgames.com which has helped make PhysEd planning SO! MUCH! SIMPLER! I've linked the games above to full instructions (some include videos).
Welcome back to school. And routines. And gym classes!
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