Friday, May 13, 2016

Spaced Out

For our Space Unit, the students researched life on the International Space Station (ISS) and wrote journal entries to "teach" the folks back home about life in Space.  The biggest fascination seemed to be with toilets and food.  I wasn't sure how to simulate zero gravity but, with the help of some online searching, I could do Space food.

Neapolitan, Cookies and Cream, Mint Chip and Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich were the ice cream flavours tried
We balanced out the sugary snack with some fruits:  Strawberries, Apples, Peaches and Bananas
I'm pretty sure this product is NOT the legit deal that NASA or the CSA send into orbit but the packaging was attractive and the food was dehydrated and light (which is required for the ISS). 

Taste testing allowed the students to practice adjectives in terms of the food's texture, appearance and taste (which provided an oral mark since I recorded them!).  It probably made them appreciate the cold of ice cream and the crunch of an apple and how much that plays into the enjoyment of those foods.  Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield spent five months on the ISS eating like this!

Rotational Symmetry

Great segue, eh!  We've only just begun talking about orbits in science but also needed to cover some transformational geometry for the EQAO. 

After exploring with 2-D geometric shapes, we transferred the idea of rotational symmetry to some Math Art in the form of mandalas.

These samples aren't yet completed but it would appear that this group has a good handle on the concept!

We also held our school track and field meet on Friday.  That learning and fun can be spaced out throughout the day and the week makes school so much more enjoyable!
